Begrudging my better angels
Cable news is redeemable
Is cable news worth the cost?
Cable news note: can we regulate the news?
Cable news note: outing MSNBC (plus, where's Quakertown and Israel)
Anatomy of cable news: how CNN warped their own Obama interview
Cable News Note: From Tulsa to the NFL, cable keeps failing
Our problem in the Middle East
Friday's note: a compliment and a big, fat red flag
How cable amplified the Big Lie
Why does CNN repeat itself so often?
My latest for CJR: political panels are bad for journalism and the nation
CNN's coverage of today's crisis lacked important analysis
Today's interview with Josh Fox
My latest for CJR: what's next for CNN
An uncomfortable conversation with Andrew Yang
Coming Soon: my interview with Andrew Yang
P.S., 2020: not all journalists failed
2020 election proves we are broken
WaPo interview: What happens to CNN and MSNBC if Biden wins?